Do you want to make a difference to the lives of people affected by eating distress?
Eating Distress North East (EDNE) is the only eating distress charity in the region, with a 30 year track record of supporting people with eating distress/disorders and their loved ones.
We are looking for skilled and committed people to join our team of voluntary trustees to provide oversight, effective governance, and strategic leadership for the organisation.
We are looking to recruit trustees with skills in the following areas:
- Charity finance
- Human resources
- Digital and data
- Fundraising
- Income generation and commercial services
Being a trustee involves reading board papers in advance of meetings, participating in discussions, asking questions, and providing appropriate challenge, support and guidance.
The expected time commitment is six trustee meetings per year plus strategy meetings and some ad hoc support to the organisation.
Our Board meetings are held in central Newcastle on Mondays between 5.30pm – 7.30pm. We operate hybrid meetings and offer reimbursement for travel expenses and can arrange trusteeship training.
As a trustee you’ll be contributing to the strategic leadership of the organisation and taking decisions that will support our work now and into the future, ultimately leading to better outcomes for the people who use our services.
How to apply
To apply please fill in the brief application form or, if you would rather not submit a written application, we are very happy to receive video submissions answering the questions on the form. Either method should be emailed to
If you’d like to have an informal chat to find out more, please email and we will arrange a convenient time.
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